Discourse Labs is an applied research group developing tools and resources for productive public dialogue.

Supporting and inspiring better conversations, online and off.

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Providing communicators with the tools, technology, and skills to engage in productive public dialogue.

Discourse Labs develops research-backed tools and resources that encourage productive public dialogue. We focus on:

Health – Empowering communicators and their peers to address common health challenges that affect everyone, especially where there can be a lack of credible, accurate information.

Civic society – Enabling public officials and others to tackle the big questions about how society functions and to make room for productive discussion.

Community – Creating tools that build bridges and increase emotional and psychological resilience.

Discourse Labs empowers people to become more informed, better able to engage in positive exchanges, and more connected with others.

Project 01

Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust

The Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust (ARTT) project provides practical tools that support trust-building conversations online.

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Project 02

ARTT-LEO Curriculum for Local Election Officials

This pilot program offers practical support to public communicators about engaging openly and empathetically when providing reliable information around contentious, complicated topics, such as elections.

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Project 03

Ethical Use of AI in Public Health Communications Working Group

Throughout 2024, the Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust (ARTT) project, together with the National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) is convening an Ethical Use of AI in Public Health Communications Working Group.

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Research and Publications

Partners and Funders, past and present, include:

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